
Ten30 Morning Tea at SDA 



Thank you for serving our church family by providing tea & coffee.  It’s such a valuable time to share together.  Please be looking out for new people and introducing them to others.  


All Morning Tea Supplies Now Stored in Cupboard 


We’re aiming to keep a larger supply of morning tea requirements in the cupboard and restock it once a month.  If you are concerned that an item is getting low or missing please let Carolyn Grahm or Min Lee know. We appreciate your help with this. 


What to do with the Rubbish? 


We are required to take our rubbish back to St Aidan’s to put in our church bins. There is always a car or two taking things back to St Aidan’s after the service, particularly the box of Bibles, so you can ask them to also take the rubbish. Or you can drop it back yourself. 


Set Up Checklist 



Please note - for handling hot urns and serving morning safely, we suggest -