Greeting at Ten30church
Serving at St Aidan’s:
Thanks so much for serving at our church! A common image of the church is that of a body building itself up as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:11-13). Each one of us has a part to play.
Why greeting is important:
God has lavishly welcomed us in Christ, the ministry of greeting helps to extend that welcome to others. When newcomers arrive they will not always know what to expect, and it may not be immediately obvious where they should go or what they should do. It is important for newcomers to encounter a helpful person, first impressions count. But it’s not only about newcomers, regular members enjoy being welcomed too, and they need things to happen, like getting a Bible, a newsletter and other papers, and the money to be collected. The ministry of Greeting helps our gathering run in an orderly way.
The greeter:
Greeting does not require any great level of skill or preparation. Anyone who is able to be at church a little early and show a friendly face can do it.
Brief description:
There are a few aspects to the role of greeting:
Relationships to other servers:
The rostered elder and pastor will like to know about newcomers or anyone else with particular needs, and any unusual issues e.g. new people who left early.
Safe Ministry Issues:
Greeters will only have brief and very public encounters with Children and Young People, so are not required to fulfill all the Child protection protocols. It would however be helpful to be familiar with the “Breaking the Silence” Policy and Code of Conduct, especially to assure parents that we seek in every way to be a safe environment for their children, and that all those who work with children and young people are required to adhere to the policy and code of conduct.
WHS Issues:
It is good to keep an eye out for any potential WHS issues that may arise, particularly any trip hazards or clutter in the entry way. If people arrive in a wheelchair or other mobility aid please assist them entering the building and finding a seat.
Admin for this job description:
Last updated: by Jon Blyth, June 2021.