St Aidan's Presbyterian Church, South Wagga Wagga

Roster Role: Ten30 Packup


Please use the checklist below to ensure that everything is in place for Pickup at SDA:


- Remove any music folders around the piano and the brown PA/AV box from the PA/AV desk. If you find them, don't hesitate to put them in the ten30 Welcome box.

- Make sure the pew pockets and floor are free of any rubbish.

- Turn off all air-conditioning and lights.

- Ensure that all windows are closed.


- Lock the doors of both male and female toilets and turn off the lights.

Foyer, Kitchen, Hall, and Community Room:

- Keep everything tidy and ensure that there is no rubbish left on the ground.

- Turn off all air-conditioning and lights.

- Lock the external single door towards classrooms near the toilet and the double door to the kitchen and hall.

- Turn off all air-conditioning and lights in the hall and kitchen.

- Pack up and store St Aidan's flag in the cupboard in the Community room.

Backyard and Front yard:

- Keep everything tidy and ensure that there is no rubbish left on the ground.

St Aidan's bins (Recycle and General waste):

- Empty the bins and replace liners.

- Bring them back to St Aidan's.

- Clean bins should be stored in the kitchen for the next use.